We had Baked Alaska while we were in Florida with Andy's parents this week. As you can tell, Jake was absolutely delighted with the size of his piece. Will thought it was pretty cool, also.
Will turned 2 years old today. He got to eat pizza, open presents and have brownies for dessert. He was more interested in blowing out the candles than eating the brownies. I'm not sure where the aversion to cakes and brownies comes from; definately not from me. :-)
Jacob graduated from Pre-School today. He's officially ready for Kindergarten. I can't believe that he is that he is already old enough to start school.
Sorry about the picture quality. I forgot to take a disk in with me, so this is actually a picture of the picture. Jacob was a little disappointed at first, because "we already have a boy". But after we told him that he could help name the baby and teach him how to play soccer, he got very excited. We just have to talk Jake out of naming the baby "friend" now. :-)