I don't get to go there very often. It is in my hometown, so I get to visit anytime that I go home. Each time, it is a brand new pulling off of the scab, so to speak because I don't get to go that often. On Sunday, before leaving Ellijay, I went by to see him and to see the flowers that I had ordered. When I got there, I found flowers strewn all over the place, his toys that the boys had bought him missing and a crap load of beer bottles all over the place. I was so angry. Words can really not even begin to describe the way that I felt at that moment. I can't even be very articulate here, I am still so upset. I called my parents and they said that they would come and clean it up. I needed to leave to get back home because I had to work and Jake had school. I only got about 40 minutes down the road before I turned around and came back. I needed to clean it. I knew that they would do it, but I needed to, and I needed to do right then, in the rain. It just couldn't wait. All I could think was that he was my baby and this was something that I could do for him.
But, Dear Lord, I was pissed. I still am, to be honest. I just do not understand the fascination with getting drunk/high/stoned/screwed in a grave yard. The little f@#!ers were lucky I didn't catch them.